S7-Ep12: Magna Cum Second Breakfast Club

After defeating the Lock Nest Monster, the party returns to town. They prepare for their graduation ceremony and then the ceremony kicks off. Join our discord to chat with the cast at https://discord.gg/creativetypo
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag – Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone – Human Wizard.
Jess Owen = Adira – Fire Genasi Barbarian.
Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance – Human Bard.
Nico Rodriguez as your DM.
Shamas Rodriguez – On A More Serious Note
If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Twitter.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast
Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producer: Nick Mead
Dungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/
Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com
Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu
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